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Wadi RumTravel Guide

This historic region of the world has seen the passage of several nomadic tribes as well as the footprints of numerous ancient civilizations.
Wadi Rum has a long history, with signs of human habitation found as far back as the ancient times. These dunes were crossed by the Nabateans, who are famed for their prowess in desert survival. They built thriving communities and created trading routes. Through Wadi Rum, caravans carrying priceless items connected the Arabian Peninsula to far-off places.
Due to its advantageous location along trade routes, Wadi Rum was a crucial outpost throughout the Roman Empire era, connecting the Arabian Peninsula to the Levant. These times of exploration and conquest are shown by the remains of Roman military camps and the inscriptions carved into the granite cliffs.
Wadi Rum emerged into a haven for nomadic Bedouin tribes throughout the years as they adapted to the harsh desert climate and formed strong bonds with the land. These hardy tribes made Wadi Rum their home, protecting their cultural legacy amidst the eroding dunes under the guidance of time-honored customs and a deep reverence for nature.
Wadi Rum has also left a lasting impression on popular culture. Its surreal vistas have captivated painters, authors, and filmmakers, providing as the setting for legendary films such as “Lawrence of Arabia.” The ageless beauty and otherworldly appeal of the desert continue to inspire and enchant travellers from all over the world.
Wadi Rum now remains as a tribute to nature’s everlasting force and the intrepid spirit of people who have trekked its immense expance. You will be taken to another world as you walk through its breathtaking canyons, stare at the towering rock formations, and watch the play of light and shadow on the desert floor.


Prepare to be in awe of the spectacular sandstone mountains that rise boldly from the desert floor, their red and orange colors creating a brilliant canvas against the turquoise sky. Admire the towering cliffs and canyons created by nature’s gentle hands over millions of years, providing a playground for intrepid explorers and ardent rock climbers.

Via Jordan Travel & Tours; Sinai; Prophet Moses; Saint Catherine; Saudi Arabia; NEOM; Tabuk; Moses well; Maghaer; Shoaib; Madaba; nebo; Jerusalem; Church of the Holy Sepulchre; Aqsa; Eilat; Israel; Jabal; Baker; Sor; Hummeimeh; Khubat; Rahmeh; Wadi; Arab; Fidan; Rakya; Sand; Dunes; Madaba, Nebo; Jerash; Ajloon; ajloun; free; mud; little Petra; Dana; Madaba; Nebo; KSA; Saudi Arabia:; Wadi; Rum; dunes; desert: sand; rock; bridge; hot; springs; ma'in; dead; sea; floating; red sea; Aqaba; Citadel; Temple of Hercules, the Umayyad Palace, Archaeological Museum, Roman Theater; As-Salt; Dead Sea; floating; Madaba; Mount Nebo; Ma'in; Hot Springs; Madaba; Karak Castle; Crusaders; Mukawer; Mukawir; Machaerus; Solomea; John the Baptist; Antipas; Jerash; snorkeling; diving; salty beach. hot; waterfall; turtle; float; floating, Eilat; Israel; Aquarium; Jabal; Baqer; Sor; Humeimeh; Wadi Aheimir; Khubat; Wadi Rahmeh; Wadi Rakya; Umm Ar – Rasas; Qusayr Amra; Qasr al-Azraq Qasr al-Azraq; Desert Castles; Monastery; Aqaba; Citadel; Jerash; Wadi Hamra; Wadi Ghweir; Little Petra; the Monastery; Ad-Deir; private tour; Al Madras Secret Road; Ein Es Saada; Aqaba; city; Red Sea; diving; snorkeling;The Monastery; Little Petra;

Jeep Tour

With our spectacular Jeep trip, embark on an adventurous journey into the mythical desert region of Wadi Rum. As you explore the challenging terrain in the luxury of a 4×4 vehicle, prepare to be captured by the raw beauty of this timeless setting.
With their profound connection to the land, our skilled Bedouin guides will lead you on a voyage of discovery, revealing the hidden gems and ancient mysteries of Wadi Rum. As you go further into the center of this alien desert, each turn exposes a new wonder that will leave you speechless.

Camel Ride

With our amazing Camel Ride experience, embark on a timeless trip across the beautiful desert environment of Wadi Rum. Immerse yourself in the rich Bedouin tradition as you ride these wonderful beasts, whose soft footfall echo the stories of past civilizations and the spirit of the desert.
For ages, the camel has been a trusty companion of the Bedouin people, guiding you into hidden valleys and lonely parts of Wadi Rum that are inaccessible by any other means. Traverse old trade routes and follow the steps of mythical nomads who roamed these territories, leaving an unmistakable mark on the fabric of the desert.

Bedouin Hospitality

With our beautiful Sunrise Hot Air Balloon trip, you may witness the majestic majesty of Wadi Rum at the crack of dawn. As the first rays of morning illuminate the desert landscape, set off on a beautiful tour that will leave you in wonder of the immense expanse of golden dunes and the profound tranquillity that surrounds this ancient region.
As the hot air balloon ascends into the sky, drift softly over the undulating dunes, propelled by the whims of the wind. Feel your heartbeat quicken as the desert below awakens to the gentle glow of the morning sun, painting the horizon with a palette of bright colors. This bizarre experience develops before your eyes, creating an awe-inspiring masterpiece of nature’s beauty.

Culinary Experience

You are welcome to share a meal with the hospitable tribes of Wadi Rum, who offer their hearts and homes to guests on this stunning desert terrain, providing a memorable gastronomic and cultural experience.
The Bedouins kindly offer a regal feast, providing a colorful assortment of delicacies reflecting their strong connection to the country. Enjoy the soft succulence of slow-cooked lamb that has been imbued with fragrant spices and tenderly prepared over an open fire.

Glamping in Wadi Rum

Immerse yourself in the pinnacle of luxury and adventure by going glamping in the magnificent desert of Wadi Rum. This one-of-a-kind combination of glitz and glamping allows you to connect with nature while still enjoying the conveniences and luxuries of a deluxe getaway.
The traditional Bedouin-style tents, embellished with vivid fabrics and situated among the breathtaking scenery, provide a harmonic combination of authenticity and elegance. Each tent has been thoughtfully constructed to give a cozy and appealing hideaway, combining classic elegance with modern convenience.

Hot Air Balloon

With our beautiful Sunrise Hot Air Balloon trip, you may witness the majestic majesty of Wadi Rum at the crack of dawn. As the first rays of morning illuminate the desert landscape, set off on a beautiful tour that will leave you in wonder of the immense expanse of golden dunes and the profound tranquility that surrounds this ancient region.
As the hot air balloon ascends into the sky, drift softly over the undulating dunes, propelled by the whims of the wind. Feel your heartbeat quicken as the desert below awakens to the gentle glow of the morning sun, painting the horizon with a palette of bright colors. This bizarre experience develops before your eyes, creating an awe-inspiring masterpiece of nature’s beauty.

Buggy Adventure

Behold the natural beauty that is Wadi Rum’s renowned Mushroom Rock, an incredible creation fashioned by nature’s artistic hands. This amazing rock structure, standing boldly against the wide desert terrain, captures the imagination and inspires awe in those who see it.
The Mushroom Rock, so named because it resembles a massive mushroom, exemplifies nature’s tremendous capacity to form and sculpt the world around us. Its narrow stem and massive top defy gravity, seemingly defying science and inspiring awe.


Feel the thrill of soaring above the vast expanse of Wadi Rum with a wonderful parachuting tour.
Feel the rush of adrenaline as you soar into the skies. The overpowering beauty that surrounds you will strike you as you look out over the stunning desert panorama spread out below you. Feel the exhilaration of the wind on your face as you freefall into the heavens.
The expansive vistas of Wadi Rum unfold in front of you, revealing a spectacular scene of rugged mountains, massive sand dunes, and ancient rock formations. Few people get the chance to see it from this vantage point.

Mushroom Rock

Behold the natural beauty that is Wadi Rum’s renowned Mushroom Rock, an incredible creation fashioned by nature’s artistic hands. This amazing rock structure, standing boldly against the wide desert terrain, captures the imagination and inspires awe in those who see it.
The Mushroom Rock, so named because it resembles a massive mushroom, is a perfect example of how powerfully nature can shape  the environment in which we live. It appears to defy physics and arouses attention with its slender stem and enormous summit that defy gravity.

Burdah Rock Bridge

The Burdah Rock Bridge, imposing and subtly arched, invites you to see the harmonic combination of power and delicacy. This geological artwork, carved over millions of years by the storms and weather, exemplifies Mother Earth’s perseverance and craftsmanship. Standing beneath its imposing presence, you will feel awe for the ancient forces that fashioned this majestic building.
Travelling to the Burdah Rock Bridge is an amazing experience. The anticipation grows as you explore the desert environment, escorted by the knowledge of native Bedouin guides. A wave of exhilaration sweeps over you as the magnificent silhouette of the bridge comes into view.

Sandboarding in Wadi Rum

Indulge yourself in the exhilarating blend of surfing and snowboarding that perfectly portrays the wild character of the desert. Lose control as you make your way across the changing dunes, leaving a path of laughter and lifelong memories in your wake. Embrace the majestic beauty of the desert as you capture unique moments while defying gravity and letting your spirit fly. The Wadi Rum desert offers an activity that will leave you feeling accomplished and with a fresh appreciation for the grandeur of nature’s playground, whether you decide to climb the highest dunes or perfect the skill of tricks and spins.

Bivouac Camping in Wadi Rum

A bivouac camping trip will inspire and excite you as you discover about the genuine spirit of Wadi Rum. Allow the desert’s fascination to guide you on a transforming journey of self-discovery so that you may return home with memories that will always echo with the whispering of the desert winds.
Gather around the campfire under the great starry sky, as traditional Bedouin tales is recited and the desert traditions are brought to life.
Allow the solitude of the desert to embrace you, providing a profoundly transformational sensation of tranquilly.

Since every traveller is different, we at Via Jordan Travel & Tours customise our experiences to suit your preferences and passions. Our itineraries are created to guarantee a smooth and amazing journey, whether you’re looking for a day of exhilarating adventures or a multi-day excursion that travels far into the heart of the desert.
Depart from the routine and let the winds of the desert lead you to new vistas where every step tells a tale, every view is breath-taking, and every moment becomes a treasured memory. Come along with us and experience the genuine meaning of adventure in the breathtaking Wadi Rum desert.

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