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Sacred Journey: Exploring Biblical Wonders, Umm Qais and Petra Tour

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This spiritual trip is transforming, leaving you feeling inspired, enlightened, and linked to humanity’s ancient beginnings.
Accept the chance to visit these hallowed locations and embark on a voyage of self-discovery and spiritual growth that will nourish your soul and broaden your awareness.
Are you prepared to go on this life-changing adventure?

Remember that the route to spiritual enlightenment is not a race, but rather a journey of self-discovery and development. Allow the power of ancient history and spirituality to alter you as you open your heart and mind to Jordan’s knowledge and teachings.
Travel safely on your spiritual trek through Nebo and Pella!

Day 1: Discovering Jordan's Ancient Treasures: of Umm Qais and Pella

In the morning, prepare yourself to embark on a lavish journey through historic sites that exude grandeur and significance.
Your first destination is the majestic Amman Citadel, a timeless symbol of heritage and power. As you step foot into this ancient citadel, the echoes of its storied past will surely resonate with opulence.
Next, immerse yourself in the treasures of the Archaeological Museum, where artifacts from eras long past will enchant you with their beauty and historical significance. The museum serves as a splendid gateway to the rich tapestry of Jordan’s history, offering a glimpse into the magnificence of civilizations that have shaped the region.
Your journey continues to the old Decapolis city of Gadara, known today as modern-day Umm Qais. This enchanting city holds the spirit of antiquity within its walls, as it was here that Jesus imparted his teachings on the Kingdom of God and performed awe-inspiring miracles. The resonance of history and spirituality intertwine, creating a profound atmosphere that will surely leave you in awe.
Venture to a place of divine connection, as you explore a site built directly over a Roman-Byzantine tomb. As you gaze into the depths of this sacred place, you’ll feel a sense of reverence and wonder at the intertwining of faith and architecture. The location, nestled alongside the old Roman city gate, bears witness to a richness of heritage that spans centuries of human endeavor.
Your journey then leads you to the ancient sites of Penuel, now known as modern-day Pella, and Mahanaim. These locations, steeped in historical significance, have long been associated with pivotal events in Jordan’s narrative. Pella, formerly Tabaqet Fahl, witnessed a monumental clash between Muslims and Christian Romans, marking a decisive moment in the region’s history.
Returning to Amman, your day of exploration concludes with a retreat to a hotel, where comfort and relaxation await. Indulge in a sumptuous dinner that captures the essence of Jordanian hospitality, before retiring for the night in a cocoon of opulence and tranquility. A day filled with cultural riches and historical wonders draws to a close, leaving you with memories to treasure for a lifetime.

Day 2: Exploring the Wonders of Bethany and the Mysteries of the Dead Sea

In a region renowned for its spiritual significance lies Bethany beyond the Jordan River, also known as the Baptism site. Here, in the harmonious embrace of nature’s bounty, unfolds a moment of monumental importance to Christians—the baptism of Jesus Christ by John the Baptist. Delve into the sacred waters of the River Jordan at this hallowed site, known in the mellifluous tones of Arabic as al-Maghtas, nestled graciously at the head of a luxuriant valley on the eastern banks of the river.
The journey continues to the mystical expanse of the Dead Sea, a sublime haven shrouded in ancient lore and natural wonder. Behold the majesty of the lowest point on earth, where time and gravity seem to suspend their eternal dance. Here, in the tranquil embrace of this otherworldly panorama, indulge in moments of leisure—be it a serene swim, a buoyant float, or a therapeutic mud bath.
As twilight descends upon the horizon, a graceful escort transports you to the fabled city of Petra, a trove of antiquity and marvels. Unwind in the opulent sanctum of your appointed hotel, where comfort and elegance intertwine to cradle you in repose. A sumptuous dinner awaits, a feast fit for a sovereign, setting the stage for a restful night’s slumber infused with dreams of bygone eras and modern enchantments.

Day 3: Unveiling the Marvels of Petra

Today we are at Petra, a booming commercial city during the time of Jesus and His beloved Apostles that is located in the scenic southern Jordan area.
A magnificent city carved into the rocks, stood as the grand capital of the Nabataean Kingdom, exuding opulence and prosperity of high regard.
Legend has it that a natural spring located in Wadi Musa, which translates to the Valley of Moses, just on the outskirts of Petra, holds sacred significance. It is believed among the locals that this very spring is where the revered prophet Moses performed a miraculous act, bringing forth water by striking a rock.
According to sacred scripture, Moses, the great leader chosen by the Almighty, was prohibited from entering the promised Holy Land. The divine punishment stemmed from the account where Moses, in a moment of urgency, struck a rock with his staff instead of following God’s instruction to speak to it.
In the tapestry of biblical history, Aaron, Moses’ loyal brother, and the chosen prophet of Miriam, met his earthly end in the lands of Jordan. His final resting place was marked at Petra’s towering Mount Hor, now known as Jabal Harun in the rich Arabic tongue. At the summit of this mountain, a majestic Byzantine church once stood, followed by the construction of an Islamic shrine housing the sacred tomb of Aaron. This revered site continues to beckon faithful pilgrims from far and wide, commemorating Aaron’s esteemed legacy as the premier High Priest chronicled in the annals of the Scriptures.

The program includes

  • Pick up from your hotel and drop off
  • Transfers by air-conditioned vehicle.
  • English-speaking guide.
  • Entrance fees to the sites.
  • Meals.
  • 3-night accommodation.

The program does not include

  • Personal travel Insurance expenses.
  • Tips / gratuities.
  • Government tax, Value Added Tax (VAT), or compulsory charges introduced after publication.
  • Optional excursions and activities (are subject to availability).
  • Any beverages with meals, unless mentioned and upon request.
  • Carriages and camel rides.
  • Extra costs due to unanticipated changes in the itinerary for reasons beyond our control.
  • Any other items not listed in the “includes”.

Tour options

  • Optional activities are subject to availability.
  • Optional private or onsite local guides.
  • Guides in languages other than English are available upon request and subject to availability.
  • Optional special private vehicles are available upon request.

Changes overview

The itinerary may change due to unanticipated circumstances, factors beyond our control, or at the guide’s discretion.

Important notes

  • Staying Healthy
  • The time frame for this tour is approximate and subject to change according to the client’s preference.
  • The tour itinerary is subject to change due to factors beyond our control and event of unforeseen circumstances or at the guide’s discretion.
  • In the event of an increase in fuel prices, Via Jordan Travel & Tours reserves the right to raise the prices for its services without prior notice.
  • Optional excursions and activities are subject to availability.
  • Optional special private vehicles available upon request.
  • Copies of your passports are required in advance to issue port permits (if needed).
  • You need to take your passport or a good quality photocopy of it with you.
  • Reservations made less than 20 working days before the start of the service may be subject to change.
  • Your booking is confirmed only upon the provision of 50% prepayment.
  • Using sufficient amount of sun protection lotion is essential for avoiding sun burn.

Dress Code

  • Dress appropriately for the weather.
  • In order to protect oneself from the summer heat, you should use caps, sunscreen lotion, and loose, cool clothing.

Walking distance

This tour needs considerable walking, so comfortable footwear is suggested.

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